- Labs
- Faculty
- Facilities
Research at the Key Laboratory of Structural Biology of Zhejiang Province focuses on biomacromolecular machines and membrane proteins related to important biological processes or human diseases. We are working to understand the assembly and regulation of biomacromolecular machines and the structure-function relationship of membrane proteins, and to explore their posttranslational modification and protein-protein interaction patterns under physiological and pathological conditions. Based on these studies, we are carrying out studies such as molecular dynamics simulation, protein design, small molecule tool design and drug development, with the aim of understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the initiation and progression of human diseases and speeding up the development of effective treatments.
Laboratory Animal Resources Center
The Laboratory Animal Resources Center (LARC) provides various services for biomedical research, including: animal husbandry (mice & rats), rederivation, Tg or Cas9 mediated gene KO/KI/CKO by microinjection, speed expansion via IVF, strain rescue via IVF, cryopreservation and resuscitation, quality control of laboratory animals, consulting and support in the broad field of laboratory animal science, etc.
LARC has a 1,600-suqare-meter barrier system for animal breeding, holding and animal experiments. LARC interacts closely with the IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) to satisfy guidelines for the care and use of animals used in research. LARC was issued the License for the Use/Production of Laboratory Animals by Zhejiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology Agency. LARC has 8,200 square meters of space devoted to animal housing at Westlake University, Yungu.
LARC will be highly involved with research, teaching and training, and oversight the care and use of laboratory animals. The mission of LARC is to provide quality care for all animals used at Westlake University, to assist investigators in achieving their research goals, and to maintain the highest standards of humane care of animals used in research.
Biomedical Research Core Facilities
The Biomedical Research Core Facilities (BRCF) serve the ambitious multidisciplinary research at Westlake University. With a can-do attitude, the BRCF seeks to become an enabling mechanism by providing technical solutions that are beyond the capabilities of any individual laboratories, removing barriers to the implementation of complex and sophisticated scientific programs, thus allowing researchers to think big and tackle the most daunting challenges in biomedical research.
Closely aligned with the development of research programs at Westlake, the BRCF has installed a series of technological platforms, establishing a comprehensive research support system empowering diverse programs from dissection of biological macromolecules to studies of population health. As one of the earliest core facilities in operation at Westlake, the BRCF is currently consisted of eight facilities, including the CryoEM, Flow Cytometry, General Equipment & Autoclave Service, Genomics, High-throughput, Mass Spectrometry & Metabolomics, Microscopy, and Phenotypic Analysis Core Facilities. At present, the facilities will rely on recruitment of top professional teams and acquisition of state-of-the-art commercial instruments to support the rapid implementation of world-class basic research.
After the completion of the university campus at Yungu, the BRCF will further improve and strengthen its capabilities, delivering high-quality, high-efficiency, and professional services. The facilities will work closely with their counterparts at other colleges as well as research laboratories to actively participate in technological and scientific research, and in the meanwhile make the latest technological innovations available to Westlake researchers, which in turn will greatly facilitate the translation of new technologies. The BRCF will strive to build a world-class research support system, a platform for talent training, and an incubator for multidisciplinary collaborations.
Westlake University Supercomputer Center
Westlake University Supercomputer Center (WLSC) provides advanced computing and data analysis service for the cutting-edge scientific and engineering research in Westlake University. Founded in June 2019, WLSC now hosts one CPU cluster of 4080 CPU cores and 1.44PB parallel storage with 56Gbps inter-nodes connection. A GPU cluster equipped of NVidia Tesla V100 will be fully functional by Q1 of 2020. The computational resources in WLSC support multiple areas of research including biology, medical science, pharmaceutical sciences, physics, mathematics, chemistry, engineering, artificial intelligence and other related areas and are open to all Westlake University faculty, students, and staff. For more information, feel free to contact us at hpc@westlake.edu.cn.
Somatic Stem Cell and Cancer Stem Cell Lab
Computational Protein Design Lab
Immune Regulation and Human Diseases
Laboratory of Protein Engineering and Protein Therapeutics
Lab of Human Genomics and Computational Biology
Principle Investigator, School of Life Sciences, Westlake University.
The Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Guomics Laboratory of Big Proteomic Data
Laboratory of Neuroimmunology
Genetic Lineage Tracing and Tissue Regeneration Lab
Full List of Laboratories